Fashion manufacture hub with one door service for every brand needs!

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  • +62 877 5007 3008

High Quality International Bag Factory

The Vendoors – high quality international bag factory for every brand’s owner around the world to make the bag development until production run smoothly within the timeline and everything you need to take care off.

If you really looking for an international bag factory who had set an AQL for their quality refrence with international standard The Vendoors are the answer, why? The Vendoors have several compliance that really matters for every brand’s owner / company to concern about. On nowadays that’s a lot of home industry factory until big capacity factory who certainly just taking care of the profit to make the product without concerning about the other aspect who might be to be fair enough to had a compliance as their commitments to the stakeholder & to the clients.

The Vendoors are the fashion manufacture hub who had more than 38+ factory site with international standard quality and of course with a compliance. So why is that really matters for a fashion factory to have a compliance?


High Quality International Bag Factory
High Quality International Bag Factory

1. Compliance matters commitment

As an international bag factory who had also serve others fashion production (Garment, headwear, footwear) we do really know, people on international stage are concerning about the trade fair, the workers well beings and everything that matters for us as the factory commit to our people, our workers and our environmental. So The Vendoors as the high quality international bag factory are really concering about everything that correlated to the business & corporate responsibility.

2. Compliance means proven capabilities

We know there’s a lot of fashion factory who had difficult to get a compliance certificated and they really think, its really even harder to take care of that administration things for such a piece of paper, but that piece of paper means the commitment and proven capabilities of the factory itself that you already measure your standard, requirements to take care of the level that set up for the high quality product, high quality output. So as the international bag factory, The Vendoors really care about our clients to make sure they would get the best and we prove our capabilities by making such a high quality product with compliance to prove our factory.

3. Compliance are the basic standard

There’s a lot of factors why in the world there’s a lot of factory didnt really care about the compliance, such as they didnt really care about their workers environment place to work, they didnt really care their place would be have a trouble sometime, and they could have a negative things comes up. So the compliance isnt just a piece of paper, it require test, assesment and everythings on matters to you to pass the certification. With the compliance that the fashion factory submit to get the certificated its would make the factory working on everything that counted & measure to make sure the factory are pass the standard to be called worthy / capable. So The Vendoors as the international bag factory are really care about this compliance are our standard that we had level of things that you could trust. With that certification we could show our capabilites from the administration side to the output that we worked for as we working on your project.

As we already mentioned above how really important the compliance are, for The Vendoors its really important such as we on the international stage who we know everythings matters for our stakeholder, our clients & our shareholder to show our capabilities & our commitment through the standard quality who impact the entire company & brand’s who working with us.

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